How will the music work? Speakers or headphones?

Speakers! Union Stage has large speakers and all instructors will have microphones connected.

Do your bikes clip in?

Yes! You NEED shoes that will clip in. Bikes are both Delta and SPD compatible.

Do you need your own shoes?

Yes! Don’t have shoes? Download our app to see our top 5 cycling shoes our team recommends!

How many bikes are in each class?

For now, there are 23 bikes per HUSTLE class.

Are rides included in the membership?

In-person cycle classes are included in the ALL ACCESS membership. Classes are $5 off by being a HUSTLE or PRO member.

How much are HUSTLE classes?

$35 per class for Non-members

$30 per class for HUSTLE & HUSTLE PRO Members


What are your COVID-19 precautions?

All bikes will be spaced 10 feet apart and following all CDC recommendations. All bikes & weights will be sanitized before and after each class & after each day. Masks must be worn until seated on your assigned bike.

Can we choose our bikes like the studio?